Matthews Farmers Market

We have some great news to share! Roost Roastery has applied to be a vendor at the Matthews Farmers Market! If you haven’t visited, you should stop by on Saturday morning at 8am, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy access to all kinds of locally sourced fruits, veggies, breads, pasta and so much more! Caroll and I enjoy a brisk walk from our home to downtown on Saturday mornings just to visit the farmers market for the freshest products, that make all the difference in your cooking. This past weekend, we discovered that one of the bakers had sourdough bagels. We were late to discover these and we were only able to get cinnamon raisin, which were fantastic, so we’ll be back to try and get some everything bagels next visit!

If we’re approved, we will be sampling and selling our coffee beans every week and this would also serve as our pick-up location for online orders! AND….you would get to meet the family! Picture yourself at the Roost Roastery table, having just grabbed a fresh pastry, drinking the freshest most carbon friendly coffee in the world, right here in Matthews, NC!


The big day has finally arrived!


A Journey Delayed….