
Welcome to Roost Roastery, where we roast amazing coffee for our customers. For us, it’s all about getting you the freshest coffee possible. Our coffee is roasted and delivered to your doorstep within a few days of being roasted, not sitting in a warehouse or a store shelf.

Coffee beans are at their peak flavor and aroma within days of roasting.

When coffee is roasted, a complex set of chemical reactions occur that transform the flavor compounds in the beans. Over time, these compounds can break down, resulting in a loss of flavor and aroma.

In addition, freshly roasted coffee has more carbon dioxide (CO2) trapped within the beans, which can give it a brighter, more complex flavor. As the coffee ages, the CO2 slowly escapes, which can lead to a duller flavor.

Therefore, if you want to experience the full flavor and aroma of coffee, it is recommended to use freshly roasted beans and to consume them within a few weeks of roasting.

Roost Roastery will start taking pre-orders in April and ship once per month to subscribers to start. Local pickup is also available. We will add additional flexibility as the subscribership grows. Please reach out with any questions. ~RR


An Update on Daniel